עברית Past Conventions Speakers Pictures Exhibition Agenda Registration About the Convention
Monday, November 21, 2016
08.00-09.00 Gathering, registration, breakfast and exhibition tour
09.00-11.15 Opening plenary session:

Chairman: Dr. Amit Mor CEO, Eco Energy Financial & Strategic Consulting; a Lecturer in the Schools of Government and Sustainability & Research Associate at the Institute of Policy and Strategy (IPS) at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC)

The International, Regional & Israeli Energy Market – Strategy, Economics, Geopolitics & Security

  • Global trends and their impact on energy sources and energy prices
  • Israel and the International Energy Market
  • Government policy in the Energy sector – where to? Oil & gas exploration, natural gas & electricity sector development and renewable energy sources

Opening lecture: Trends and developments in the international & the Israeli energy sectors
Dr. Amit Mor, Co-CEO, Eco Energy Financial & Strategic Consulting and IDC Herzliya - presentation

Keynote opening lecture: Government policy in the energy & infrastructure sectors
Dr. Yuval Steinitz, Minister of Energy

Keynote lecture: The Dynamic Energy Landscape
Prof. Gürkan Kumbaroğlu, President, International Association for Energy Economics IAEE & Turkish Association for Energy Economics; Professor of Industrial Engineering & Chairman of Energy Policy Research Center, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey - presentation

The development of the oil, natural gas, electricity sectors in South East Europe
Mr. Costis Stambolis, Executive Director, Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE), Athens, Greece - presentation

Leviathan natural gas deposit – a closer look at a major anchor in the regional energy & economy
Mr. Yossi Abu, CEO, Delek Drilling & Avner Oil & Gas

Energy Infrastructure in Israel: From Energy Security to National Security
Major General (Res.) Yiftach Ron-Tal, Chairman, IEC - the Israel Electric Corporation

Industry & Regulation – a partnership between Government and Industry to develop and advance the Israeli Economy
Mr. Avner Maimon, CEO, Bazan Group

Energy Industry Man of the Year ceremony - presentation
11.15-11.45 Coffee break
11.45-13.15 Concurrent Sessions A

Investments financing and risk management in the Energy Sector

  • Investments finance in Oil and Gas Exploration and infrastructure development programs, what will be the share of foreign investors, the banks and the local stock market?
  • What is the required investment for energy infrastructure and oil & gas developments in Israel?
  • Will foreign investors, international banks and financial institutions be involved?
  • Is there a need for Governmental involvement in financing the development of the Energy Sector and where?
  • At what costs will capital be raised to develop the energy sector?
  • What do analysts think about leading energy companies' stock prices?
  • What do they think about the evolvement of oil and gas prices?

Chairman: Mr. Shimon Seroussi, Co-CEO , Eco Energy Financial & Strategic Consulting - presentation 1 - presentation 2

Opening lecture: Mr. Zahi Sultan, Chairman, Clal Finance Underwriting - presentation

Discussion with entrepreneurs and investors representatives:

Mr. Uri Aldubi, Chairman, Helman-Aldubi Investment House and Chairman, Israel Oil & Gas Exploration Industry Association

Mr. Eitan Parnass, Director General, Green Energy Association of Israel and Secretary, Global Solar Council

Analysts dialogue:

Ms. Ella Fried, Senior Analyst, Bank Leumi

Ms. Gal Reiter, Energy Industry Consultant and Energy Industry Analyst to Jerusalem Bank

Dr. Efraim Chalamish, Law and Business Professor, NYU/IESE; Forward Advisors, Partner

Investment opportunities in the international oil & gas market

Mr. Gideon Tadmor, CEO Navitas Petroleum

Development of offshore gas fields and renewal of oil & gas exploration

  • Opening the Mediterranean to O&G exploration– what the Government proposal to O&G companies?
  • Will international O&G companies participate in the upcoming Government offshore exploration tender?
  • What are the development plans of Leviathan, Karish-Tanin and Tamar fields? Will they materialize?
  • How will the Leviathan development be financed?
  • What type of Government involvement and financing is required to develop Karish-Tanin and Leviathan gas fields?
  • Are there significant commercial oil deposits in the East MED?

Chair: Dr. Amit Mor, Co-CEO, Eco Energy Financial & Strategic Consulting and IDC Herzliya

Opening lecture: Mr. Yossi Wurzburger, Director, Natural Resources Administration & Petroleum Commissioner, Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources


1 X 1 interview with Mr. Bini Zomer, Israel Country Manager, Noble Energy

Adv. Renelle Joffe, Partner, Head of Energy Group Meitar Liquornik Geva Leshem Tal & Co., Advocates - presentation

Natural Gas Export and Regional Energy Cooperation

  • How will gas export to Jordan be conducted and who will provide financial Guarantees to the Jordanian National Electricity Company?
  • Are there plans to export gas to the West Bank and Gaza?
  • Will gas be exported to Turkey and if so what is the project scheme and when will it happen?
  • Is it still likely that East Med gas be exported to Egypt for domestic use and for liquefaction in Shell’s and UFG/ENI idle LNG plants?
  • Is export of East MED gas to Europe likely?

Mr. Yigal Landau, CEO of Ratio Oil Exploration

Mr. Yaniv Fridman, Deputy CEO, Delek Drilling & Avner Oil & Gas

Mr. Ron Adam, Special Envoy on Energy, Permanent Representative of Israel to Irena, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

13.15-14.30 Lunch
14.30-17.00 Concurrent Sessions B

Israeli Innovation and Technology - Creating Value in the Oil & Gas Industry – the “High-tech of the oil & gas”

  • Leveraging the Natural Discoveries for the Development of Knowledge-Intensive Industry
  • Technological developments in the fields of Imaging, Big Data & Analytics, Industrial Internet of Things, Environmental, Cyber Security and more
  • Israeli Technological Companies Active in the O&G Industry

Co-Chair: Dr. Zvi (Kul) Karcz, VP Exploration, Delek Drilling and Avner Oil Exploration

Co-Chair: Mr. Gil Shaki, Senior Director, Energy, Cleantech & Transportation, Israel Innovation Authority


Mr. Yaki Almoznino, East Mediterranean IT Director, Noble Energy Mediterranean

Mr. Natan Barak, CEO & Co-Founder, mPrest

Mr. Boaz Ur, CEO & Co-Founder, Harbo Technologies

Mr. Chen Linchevski, CEO, PreCog - presentation

Dr. David Almagor, Chairman, Presenso - presentation

Mr. Tamir Tal, COO, Geomage - presentation

Mr. Barak Perelman, CEO & Co-Founder, Indegy - presentation

Mr. Shmulik Aran, CEO, Nextnine - presentation

Mr. Omri Rahamim, Business Development Director, Airobotics - presentation

Mr. Alberto R. Wahnon, OGI Business Manager, Opgal - presentation

Seminar: How energy prices determined?

  • Changes and trends in the international prices
  • Forecasts for regional and domestic prices
    - Crude oil prices
    - Oil derivatives prices
    - Electricity tariffs


Dr. Amit Mor, Co-CEO, Eco Energy Financial & Strategic Consulting and IDC Herzliya - presentation

Dr. Taniv Rophe, Head of the Economic-Finance Division, Electricity Authority - presentation

A Round Table: Natural Gas Export to Turkey and Europe-Economic, Strategic and Geopolitical Challenges

Chair: Dr. Alon Liel, Former Foreign Ministry Director General and Israeli Counsel to Turkey

Co-Chair: Prof. Gürkan Kumbaroğlu, President, IAEE & Turkish Association for Energy Economics; Professor of Industrial Engineering & Chairman of Energy Policy Research Center, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

Mr. Costis Stambolis, Executive Director, Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE), Athens, Greece

Dr. Hayriye Kahveci Ozgur, Assistant Prof. Political Science and International Relations Programme, Middle East Technical University Northern Cyprus Campus

Ms. Gina Cohen

Mr. Michalis Firillas, Deputy Head of Mission, the Embassy of Cyprus in Israel

Dr. Nimrod Goren, Head of Mitvim, the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies and a Teaching Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mr. Michalis Firillas, Deputy Head of Mission, the Embassy of Cyprus in Israel

17.00 End of day one
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
08.00-09.00 Gathering, registration and exhibition tour
09.00-11.00 Opening Plenary Session:

Chairman of plenary session: Dr. Amit Mor Co-CEO, Eco Energy Financial & Strategic Consulting; a Lecturer in the Schools of Government and Sustainability & Research Associate at the Institute of Policy and Strategy (IPS) at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (IDC)

Keynote lecture: Ambassador Daniel B. Shapiro, United States ambassador to Israel

Challenges in the development and regulation of the Energy Sector

Mr. Shaul Meridor, Director General, Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy & Water Resources

Dr. Assaf Eilat, Chairperson of the Electricity Authority - presentation

Energy Sector Forecasts – Demand for electricity and natural gas and “fuel basket” for power generation


Mr. Lior Gallo, Energy Economist, Macroeconomics and Policy Division, Research Department, Bank of Israel – Electricity demand forecast - presentation

Mr. Chen Herzog, Chief Economist & Partner, BDO Consulting Group – Electricity demand forecast

Mr. Alexander Varshavsky, Director General, Natural Gas Authority, Ministry of Energy – Natural gas demand forecast - presentation

Mr. Amir Foster, Head of Strategy & Research, Association of Oil & Gas Exploration Industries - presentation

Discussant: Mr. Eitan Meir, CEO, Dalia Power Energies

11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-13.15 Concurrent Sessions A

Tomorrow’s Transportation – Electric and Autonomous cars and alternative auels for transport

  • Electric cars and autonomous vehicles – how the transportation scheme will work?
  • What will be the purchase/rent models of of utilizing such vehicles?
  • What will be the future transportation fuel mix and how will Gas Stations look like?
  • Is it possible to convert half of the vehicles in Israel to natural gas propulsion technologies?
  • CNG and LNG for heavy transport and private vehicles
  • Electric vehicles and Hybrid vehicles - can they compete with internal combustion engines without fiscal incentives?

Chair: Mr. Israel Yaniv, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dor Alon Energy

Dr. Bracha Halaf, Chief Scientist, Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources

Mr. Yossi Antverg, Methanol project manager, Dor Chemicals

Mr. Dani Kaplan, Deputy CEO, TMNG

Mr. Ilan Ben-David, CEO, Chakratec

12.30 – 13.15

Fuel Economy - Investment Opportunities and Development

  • Are Oil companies a profitable business in Israel?
  • What is the betterment potential of refineries?
  • The future Gas Station – How will it look like?
  • Challenges and business opportunities in the Storage and transportation of crude oil and distillates

Chair: Mr. Israel Yaniv Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dor Alon Energy

Mr. Shmulik Antzel, CEO, Delek, the Israel Fuel Corporation

The future of the Israeli electricity Sector

  • IEC, IPPs, co-generation facilities, system administration and the energy trade model - how will the future of the electricity market look like?
  • System management and the need to utilize “Peakers” plants to balance the load
  • Gas, coal and renewables: what is the impact of decommissioning IEC’ 4 old coal generating units on the competition in electricity generation?
  • Is it worth investing in IPPs in Israel?
  • The reform in the electricity market – will it be implemented and what will be its impact on the financial stability of IEC and IPPs?
  • What is IEC’s employees’ union view on the proposed reform in the power market?

Chair: Dr. Amit Mor, Co-CEO, Eco Energy Financial & Strategic Consulting and IDC Herzliya

Ms. Nurit Gal, Director, Electricity & Regulation Division, Electricity Authority - presentation

Mr. Shimon (Shiki) Fisher, Acting Senior Vice President Planning and Technology Development and Head of Power Grid Division, IEC

Mr. Giora Almogi, CEO OPC – Rotem

Mr. Eli Asulin. CEO Dorad Energy

Mr. Ido Rosolio, CEO Telemenia

Mr. Amos Lasker, Managing Partner, Amrav Investments; Chairman, Association of natural gas based IPPs

13.15-14.30 Lunch
14.30-17.00 Concurrent Sessions B

Smart Energy - Changing the rules of the game at the International and Israeli Electricity markets

Chair and opening lecture: Mr. Elad Shaviv, CEO of The Israeli Smart Energy Association; CEO NakiTech

What is Smart Energy and how is it connected to me?

Mr. Elad Shaviv, CEO of The Israeli Smart Energy Association; CEO NakiTech - presentation

Microgrids, Energy Independence in Campuses and municipalities

Mr. Amos Lasker, Managing partner, Amrav Investments

Israeli innovation in the new energy world - Leading “Startup” companies develop solutions:

Mr. Amir Cohen, CEO, EGM - presentation

Mr. Eran Samuni, VP R&D, Grid4C

Mr. Yuval Levin, CEO, PDP Technologies - presentation

Mr. Adam Wolman, VP Sales, cyber-X

Mr. Ran Pedhazur, Vice President of Business Development, Waterfall Solutions

Smart Energy & Innovation as a national objective

Dr. Gideon Friedmann, Technologies & Renewable Energy Section Manager of the Chief Scientist, Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources - presentation

Smart Energy – Challenges and opportunities for IEC

Mr. Yitzhak Balmas, Deputy CEO & SVP Customers Group, IEC - presentation

Concluding discussion

Natural gas transmission, distribution and storage

  • Presentations of NG Distribution Companies: Planning vs. Implementation
  • Is there enough capacity in high pressure transportation pipelines?
  • Distribution companies: When will gas reach Kiryat-Shmona and Jerusalem?
  • What are the impediments in developing the infrastructure?
  • What should the Government do to expedite the completion of infrastructure?
  • When will factories receive gas?
  • Constructing marine and on-shore storage reservoirs– when will it happen and who will pay the costs?
  • Business opportunities in infrastructure and marketing

Chair: Dr. Michael Mero, Journalist and Researcher of Social and Environmental affairs.

Mr. Constantine Blyuz, Deputy Director of Economic & Strategic issues, Natural Gas Authority, Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources. - presentation

Adv. Alon Gellert, Partner, Head of Infrastructure and Regulation Groups, Meitar Liquornik Geva Leshem Tal, Law Office

Mr. Yair Rubinstein, CEO, TMNG - presentation

Mr. Moshe Shpitzer, CEO, Negev Natural Gas

Mr. Eyal Henkin, CEO Supergas

Mr. Shay Ezra, CEO, Dor Alon Gas

17.00 Conference closing

   For information about sponsorship and exhibition, please click here

 *  The Program is subject to changes             *  Foreign lectors will speak in English (simultaneous translation will be available)
מטה הוועידה: תכלית הפקות: 09-7687450, העמק 44/12, כפר סבא 4421126
For more information: Tachllit Conventions, +972-9-7687450
אתרי הוועידה: www.tachllit.co.il | www.energianews.com/energyconvention/2016
Agenda printתוכנית להדפסה